sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

Novo terminal marítimo de passageiros em São Roque do Pico só avança com garantia de segurança

Diversos órgãos de comunicação social divulgaram recentemente parte do depoimento escrito de Vasco Cordeiro, presidente do Governo Regional dos Açores, recebido na segunda-feira, dia 4 de janeiro, na comissão de inquérito aos transportes marítimos em curso na Assembleia Regional. Neste documento encontram-se as respostas a algumas perguntas sobre o novo terminal marítimo de passageiros em São Roque do Pico.

Segundo Vasco Cordeiro, a decisão política de construir este novo terminal de passageiros “está tomada” e “já foram testadas diversas soluções técnicas, as quais não deram garantias de segurança e operacionalidade”, acrescentando ainda que “o projeto continua em avaliação e avançará logo que a solução final responda, integralmente, às exigências de segurança e operacionalidade que um projeto desta natureza impõe”.

Estas palavras do presidente do governo açoriano estão em conformidade com o que o próprio já tinha afirmado anteriormente:
  • Em outubro de 2014, Vasco Cordeiro disse então que estava tomada a decisão política de construir um terminal marítimo de passageiros em São Roque do Pico, afirmando ainda que os ensaios em laboratório avançariam nesse ano [link];
  • Em junho de 2015, Vasco Cordeiro expressou então que o Governo Regional considerava que era necessário um novo terminal marítimo em São Roque do Pico, acrescentando ainda que novas soluções estavam em ensaios de forma a tentar concluir a projeto de execução deste terminal no final desse ano, conforme previsto na mais recente versão da Carta Regional de Obras Públicas [link].

Resumindo, é sempre importante saber que a segurança está em primeiro lugar, ressalvando também que o cumprimento de decisões políticas é fundamental para a manutenção da confiança da população nos políticos. Sobre ambos estes propósitos, nunca é demais recordar um grande exemplo da história: John F. Kennedy prometeu em 1961 "enviar homens à Lua e retorná-los a salvo" até ao final dessa década, tendo esse grande feito (que parecia impossível de concretizar em tão pouco tempo e com as soluções técnicas que estavam disponíveis na altura) sido alcançado em 1969 - é caso para dizer: os grandes feitos do presente apenas o são porque no passado alguém lutou para que no futuro houvesse menos coisas impossíveis!

Haja saúde!

3 comentários:

  1. That is very interesting but how about they (our public employees) have a public consultation on what facilities the people of Sao Roque district and us taxpayers actually want! How about facilities for anglers? How about public access? How about an underwater observation chamber for public, marine, disabled and tourist use? With the potential for expansion to an underwater cafe with observation windows? Not very difficult or expensive at all and a world first! This would be a great opportunity for the useless civil architects of the brainless Madalena disaster to redeem themselves and show us that they have any imagination and ability whatsoever. How about something of actual architectural value instead of yet another idiotic, insutrial cement block structure to defile this wonderful Island? How about getting schoolkids to give suggestions? Their generations will be stuck with it, after all?

    The ability of a architects is inversely proportional to the linearity of their designs. Get some that can do irregular curves and have a gram of aesthetic ability.
    I know various people who would absolutely love to have an input into the Sao Roque project for free! I sure would love to be involved in the design!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you that our suggestions should be taken into account. What I believe is that that stage has not been reached yet, since it usually occurs during the public consultation phase. Nevertheless, you can try to contact the authorities and give your suggestions prior to the public consultation phase.

      Haja saúde!

  2. I am not so sure that there even will be public consultation stage!
    I believe nobodyat all will be consulted about the sea wall they want to erect in Canas. I managed to get a view of the plans for that by chance and they had totally forgotten to even put in steps for people to get over it to the beach and into the water! These structures will probably be there for hundreds of years and need to not just be functional but of aestethic value for generations to come. If you look at the designs Romans came up with thousands of years ago without computers it beggars belief about the utter S%$#t of "designs" imposed on people in the "advanced" computer age.

    Sorry, after they totally ruined Madalena, I have absolutely no faith in those responsible for such projects.
    Lajes is another unimaginative design. Apart from the fact that there are virtually no steps to get on or off the Promenade, it is too linear.
    A curved or angular path means that the eyes are drawn to the surroundings instead of the ugly cement path. Instead you can see (an expanse of cement) from one end to the other, which removes all mystery from a walk. The are no sitting areas that face the sea (the main reason tourists come to an island!) There are no paths or steps to get to the sea for fishing. The breakwater is inaccessible for walking or fishing. It wouldn't have taken much to at least put a path on that.
    Cement is THE ugliest building material available, on an island covered in basalt it wouldn't take much to cover at least the bottom part in black Bagasso (Something they should do with the pointless monstrosity that now ruins the hillside of Lajes. They could then even grow wine or other plants up it).
    It's pretty obvious that they were intent on blowing large amounts of money on those projects but they should learn that quality is far more impressive and useful for Pico in the long term than quantity.
    In Sao Roque's case it is an absolutely UNIQUE opportunity to make something fantastic for the future of the whole town, AND ADD VALUE TO THE PROPERTIES of all the people who live there (not just in Avenida do Mar).
    Now that Madalena is ruined, Sao Roque could become Pico's up-market yacht harbour in the medium term. It all depends on the imagination and vision of those who plan...

    (BTW, I am very grateful for your blog allowing me to put my views forward! Hopefully more people will voice their real opinions here, I don't think they can do it properly elsewhere...)


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