domingo, 21 de maio de 2017

Estreia do navio "Master Jet" no Pico

Apresentam-se de seguida algumas fotografias e um vídeo relativos à estreia do navio de passageiros "Master Jet" na passada sexta-feira (19 de maio de 2017) no porto comercial do Cais do Pico, situado na vila de São Roque do Pico.

Este catamaran é uma embarcação de alta velocidade — High Speed Craft (HSC) — com capacidade para 700 passageiros e 85 viaturas. Com um comprimento de 74 m e uma velocidade cruzeiro de 36 nós, este navio encontra-se atualmente ao serviço da Linha Amarela da Atlânticoline.

Recorde-se que os horários dos navios de passageiros que servem a ilha do Pico de forma regular, bem como a previsão de entrada e saída de navios no principal porto comercial da ilha montanha, podem ser encontrados no separador "Barcos" deste blog.

Haja saúde!

1 comentário:

  1. I am not a person who easily complains or writes things on blogs. But when I saw the pictures on this blog of the new ferry I decided to do so. A new boat, high expectations. More speed. Promises promises. I was on its first trip from Horta to Terceira. While waiting to go on board, they started the engines. The exhaust seems to be at the back so we were treated with big black cloud. Black fakes on and in the car and on my clothes. We were breathing diesel. On the boat: not possible to sit outside on the deck (there is a little space in the back but the dieselfumes won't let you stay there long. There is no restaurant. Although it was not really warm, the airconditioning was blowing cold air into the passenger area. There was almost no place to hide from it. In every harbour the people had to walk through dieselfumes because the exhausts are next to the ramp. Nobody cares about the health of the people who have to work in it every day? And than the speed: The trip lasted LONGER than in the old days with the Santorini. Despite its futuristic looks, this is definitely not an improvement. After the departure of TAP from our islands we get this. I will inform Atlânticoline about my findings.

    Jan Bruinink


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