quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018

Concurso Internacional de Fotografia "#MountainsMatter"

A MiratecArts apresenta o Concurso Internacional de Fotografia "#MountainsMatter", em que qualquer fotógrafo do mundo pode participar.

O trabalho dos finalistas vai fazer parte de uma exposição na ilha montanha do Pico, Açores, durante o Montanha Pico Festival em janeiro. Os vencedores vão receber uma futura exposição a solo (se pretenderem) de retrospectiva dos seus trabalhos e um convite a participarem com a MiratecArts e seus programas.

As condições de participação são:
  1. A participação está aberta a qualquer pessoa com 18 ou mais anos de idade.
  2. Os trabalhos devem ser entregues até ao dia 1 de novembro de 2018, através do e-mail montanhapicofestival@gmail.com (a plataforma WeTransfer pode também ser utilizada para a transferência das fotografias).
  3. As fotografias apresentadas, num número máximo de três por participante, poderão ser a cores, a preto e branco (P&B) ou sépia. Deverão também as mesmas ser originais não manipuladas, exceto para transformação de cor para P&B ou sépia, ajustes de contraste, luminosidade e reenquadramento. Não são admitidas a concurso fotografias resultantes de montagem ou manipulação de mais de uma imagem e/ou fotografia.
  4. Os trabalhos deverão ser apresentados em formato digital JPG ou JPEG, com dimensão de pelo menos 2000 pixéis na maior dimensão.
  5. As fotografias deverão ser acompanhadas de uma memória descritiva até ao máximo de 1200 caracteres (sem espaços), de acordo com o tema do concurso.

A memória descritiva e a mensagem de inscrição no concurso deverá incluir:
  1. O título de cada fotografia;
  2. A identificação do local onde foi obtida cada imagem;
  3. Nome e contacto do fotógrafo.

As fotografias dos finalistas serão impressas apenas para exposição e não serão objeto de venda. As fotografias vencedores serão também utilizadas para promoção do Montanha Pico Festival, sempre com crédito para os respetivos autores.
Mais informações podem ser encontradas em: www.picofestival.com

Haja saúde!

#MountainsMatter 2018 theme

In soldarity with International Mountain Day 2018, our contest theme reflect the theme of the international community. We ask photographers to enter their images according to the various categories they fnd that reflect this theme:
”#MountainsMatter” is the theme chosen for this year’s celebration of International Mountain Day.

Even though they are mentioned in the 2030 Agenda, mountains are still often forgotten. Considering the crucial role they play in providing key ecosystem goods and services to the planet and their vulnerability in the face of climate change, we need to step up and raise attention to mountains.

#MountainsMatter for Water as mountains are the world’s ‘water towers’, providing between 60 and 80 percent of all freshwater resources for our planet. However, all available records indicate that glaciers in mountain ranges around the world are retreating and disappearing due to climate change. At least 600 glaciers have disappeared completely over the past decades, affecting water supplies relied on by billions living downstream.

#MountainsMatters for Disaster Risk Reduction as climatic variations are triggering disasters. Avalanches, mudflows and landslides are tumbling downstream, stripping bare forests, flooding communities and populations.

#MountainsMatter for Tourism as mountain destinations attract around 15-20 percent of global tourism and are areas of important cultural diversity, knowledge and heritage. Although mountain tourism has the potential to foster economic development in remote and isolated regions, many mountain communities are still not benefiting and live in poverty.

#MountainsMatter for Food as they are important centres of agricultural biodiversity and are home to many of the foods that come to our table, such as rice, potatoes, quinoa, tomatoes and barley. Yet, they are home to some of the hungriest peoples in the world with a high vulnerability to food shortages and malnutrition, and climate change is affecting mountain agriculture.

#MountainsMatter for Youth as despite the beautiful landscapes, life in the mountains can be tough, particularly for rural youth. Abandoning their villages in search of employment elsewhere has led to an absence of young people and an increasing labour shortage. Migration from mountains leads to an increase in abandoned agricultural, land degradation and often forest fires. At community level, cultural values and ancient traditions are lost.

#MountainsMatter for Indigenous Peoples as many mountain areas host ancient indigenous communities that possess and maintain precious knowledge, traditions and languages. Mountain peoples have developed remarkable land use systems and have a wealth of knowledge and strategies accumulated over generations on how to adapt to climate variability.

#MountainsMatter for Biodiversity as half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots are concentrated in mountains and mountains support approximately one-quarter of terrestrial biological diversity. Mountains are home to rare animals such as gorillas, snow leopards and the majestic tahr as well as strikingly beautiful plants such as orchids and lobelias.

International Mountain Day 2018 will be an occasion to create a large social movement that can bring mountain issues on the tables of politicians. Through a global campaign, a social media strategy and events around the world, we plan to tell the world that the current neglect of mountains and mountain peoples must stop. We therefore ask everyone to use the hashtag #MountainsMatter in all their communications specifying why mountains matter for them.

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